What are Awesomeness Projects?

This site is dedicated to the DIY enthusiasts out there who want a fun and functional project.  Most of the things I make are things that you can't buy at the store, but even if you could, doing it yourself leads to a higher quality product, gives you some physical and mental exercise and results in something awesome to show your friends and family.  What kind of projects am I talking about....


Outdoor Hydroponic Garden - Build your own hydroponic system with these free plans     

​Hydroponic Garden

​Hydroponic Garden

With some basic tools you can build a garden that requires almost no maintenance, is dirt-free and will produce double the yield of a traditional garden.  I’m talking about Hydroponics and it is easier and cheaper than you might think to build you own system.  


Old TV Aquarium - Convert a TV into an aquarium

Seinfeld TV Aquarium 

Seinfeld TV Aquarium 

Turn an old TV into the set of you favorite TV show complete with a cast of fish.  This tank is based on Jerry Seinfeld's living room.


Modern Concrete and Wood Bench - a step-by-step guide to building an architectural masterpiece at a fraction of the cost

Modern Concrete and Redwood Bench

Modern Concrete and Redwood Bench

Indoor Hydroponic Grow Closet - A DIY guide to building a easy grow closet

Grow Closet​

Grow Closet

For those of you who live in confined spaces with no access to the outdoors (New Yorkers and College Students), you can have your very own indoor garden.  With some basic materials you will have your own herb garden growing indoors the comfort of your own home.


Lifetime Picnic Table - Build an awesome picnic table

Picnic Table​

Picnic Table

Tired of flimsy picnic tables?  I was too.  So I decided to get primal on some would and built a picnic table from scratch with no power tools but an electric screwdriver.  This table is a tank.  It only took a couple of days to build but will last for generations.


More Awesome Projects To Come....